High Water in Great Lakes = Erosion.
Steel Sheet Pile being used to counteract beach erosion. We have been getting quite a bit of activity around the Great Lakes region from homeowners who have beach front property. Steel Sheet Pile is great way to protect from further erosion. This article was recently in the Detroit Free Press https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/07/17/great-lakes-water-levels-records-erosion-damage/5450910002/. We have new…
Great Lakes Iron Ore Logistics Circa 1943
The following pictorial is a very informative advertisement showing how efficient the movement of Iron Ore was during World War II. This was published in “Life Magazine” May 31, 1943. Iron Ore is still a very important ingredient in steel-making, especially for mills with Blast Furnaces, and mills that rely in DRI or HBI…
Used XZ95 Sheet Pile
Almost 239 lineal feet of 9 to 11 ft sheet pile, ready for prompt shipment.
Used Hot Rolled Sheet Pile
We have the following available, subject to prior sale, from our Northern California yard, ready for rough handling, heavy duty work! Buy now and start driving these sheets! Download and review the file above to find a specific list of lengths PZ27 and PZC18 when combined, make over 800 lineal feet. Used sheet pile…
Used Sheet Pile XZ85
We supplied XZ85 for a desalination project and the material is now available for resale. It is currently on the West Coast, but can be shipped via truck or rail to your location. Please contact us for an offer on this material. It is subject to prior sale.
H 1707 Surplus Hot Rolled Sheet Pile
If you have a pile driving job and need sheet pile promptly, this might be the ticket. Â With prices going up and lead times at 4-6 weeks, this can be delivered within 1-2 weeks via truck or 3-4 via rail. Hoesch Steel Sheet Pile in stock: We offer the following subject to prior sale.…
“The Color of Rain”
A few months ago we started a book club, now called “People of Steel” with some Christian friends in the steel business. Â It is to encourage and inspire each other and communicate ideas beyond our normal steel talk. Â It is more about God, Faith, and inspiration. This month’s selection is from a member who…
Used Steel Sheet Pile, Hoping to get Hammered!
It’s Friday and this lot wants to get back to work in time to get hammered into the ground. If you have a job that you can apply used sheet pile to, please contact us. We have available a large lot of used sheet pile in good condition. Sections include: AZ18 AZ26-700 PZC18 PZ27…
Is it Unpatriotic to Import Steel?
Recent articles have ripped Donal Trump for reportedly using Chinese steel and aluminum on past building projects. As a steel trader for the past 30 plus years, I find this much ado about nothing. First of all, this is a free country with free trade. We import and export steel into and out of the…